STAT stands for the Skills for Special Tertiary Admissions Test (STAT). It’s designed to assess your suitability for learning at university level. The test comprises two sections: Multiple Choice (MC) and Written English (WE).
STAT WE is a one-hour test that involves writing two short essays. If you achieve a score of 140 or higher on the STAT WE, you’ll have met Curtin’s required level of English.
If you’re currently in high school and your ATAR English score is below 50, TISC will automatically invite you to sit the STAT WE before the second round of offers. If you achieve a minimum score of 140 on the test, you will be considered for your preferred course in the second round of offers.
If you are mature age (you will be at least 20 years of age the year you want to start university), you can sit both sections of the STAT (MC and WE) to meet Curtin’s admission criteria, including English.
Visit the TISC website to learn more about STAT.